
Skatebird rating
Skatebird rating

skatebird rating

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system, OS-Windows 7…

  • In this game, song lyrics contain some references to drugs (e.g., “Passed out, all my drugs” “Your kids are smoking weed out in the streets” “I was happy getting high in the basement” “Driving the road mostly stoned”).
  • All the players skate in a mini skate-park and attract other birds and help a friend rediscover the love of skating.
  • skatebird rating

    This is a skateboarding game in this game players assume the role of birds that compete in trick challenges and collection tasks.You are just like a small bird in this game, and your Big friend has already hanged their skateboard for some good reason they suck in their jobs eventually, and lately, they barely here to play along with you, They are just the problem creators, and you have to fix that all on your own as a Skateboarding bird, At first, you are tiny in size, but as much you skate, you make more and more friends after that, Then after many birds come to help you and check out your park, and together you will fix your Big friend’s life too! Skate birds try their best to give us a beautiful experience… SkateBird Parents Guide This game Filled with lots of bendy straws and stapler kickflips, this game has introduced Crave killer lines through cardboard and many sticky tape parks in the “SkateBoard” …


    SkateBird rated T (Teen) for lyrics on ESRB, Entertainment Software Rating Board, ESRB T rated means content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, or infrequent use of strong language.

    Skatebird rating